your inner self
ouself is of many wonderfulf expirences.
yet lets talk this way,through metaphores instead.
Are we comparible as to the difference between arithmetic and mathamatics.
we see with arithmetic sequence that is 1,2,3,4,5 10,20,30,40,50.,
life is a bit linear. adding subtracting divididing and mutilplying life to wake up and move forward.
as many would tthink a normality or this just is life.
well enough certanly.
the parts of life such as expressing our favorite rose, or mabey the weeping willow tree is not as easy to express with such a linear thought.
lets think of another way.
Mathamatics is establised to bring into finite detail he missing optics we truly want to admire.
calcalus,geometry,algerbra,trigonomentry,.. ie&&
using more coplex eqations to express the furthering of a mystery that is of a desire to be revealed.
now lets think off who we are as preople
In a thought we might entertain a narrative that True love exists.
Not a thing. We have empathy. That is not the same.
Let's dive in some.
We know that for every actions, another action occurs. Some might even go to state as a trurh, reaction. Adding /re/
dont apply a value other than not knowing or further develped thought therinto a action.
When we look around our world we feel every particle around us. Image a antena.
Times past we would from time to time need an adjustment of position for better signal strength.
Our brains use electric impulse to move information around to enable our concious to beter observerve and at time articulate frequency, pitch,resonate,tone,ie&.
Now for that action again..
What would be a action nor another action. If we would state a reaction occured,then reason suggest that our action are nothing more than a reaction of its own self then. So what would be the initial action?..
Ok so if i say, "touch 1 finger"
This is an action statement.
Now we need to explore what another never cared too..
We will add back our word love now we can see a small error in thought.
The reaction of love is not more love.
Many actons occured prior to this word.
Our bodies are nothing more than a machine. Our badic code if left undistubred would look much different tjan how we could percieve it.
We are taught love. We are taught hate.
We are taught these things are real.
So too asept this thought,we must know a bit more.
As i stated in the example. Touch your finger. Not every action will have a reaction to what the observe can be seen.
A action did occur. Yet,.. every action is a new action built from another regardless.
Ask your self if you knew what love or hate was first.
Most initially thought love,as i said we are taught what these words are. We are shown examples.
So ask yourself another question.
Ever said you hated somthing?
Now here is the twist.
Is hate the opposite of love? Or is love the reaction from hate?..
When a baby is born.
Modern people understand making a infant cry allows the neborns airways to open and start breathing.
If sond is also a type of energy. What reaction would be occuring. Love or hate?
Simply put the newborn im sure is not inlove, or out of love. Or hate. Im sure the baby is not in or out of hate niether.
Yet an occurrance of an action is occuring.
We see where all this is not well thought out.
If an adult needs to bond with the child then somthing is not a need then. So in order for love or hate to be a true statement then chartaristics of who we are would need to be necassary for the actions to be actions nonetheless we will move on.
As i mentioned empathy before we will now remove love and hate from this process and add the expression of empathy instead.
We can see with empathy a connection between operators are being establised.
Tuned like an atenea.
Tuned to a frequency to feel each other.
We now use sympathy expression here too. We have dislikes. No other reason other than we do. Also on the other side of the /sin/ sign we have our likes.
We learn our liked things and less liked things, to where the electrical action is at its most of.
If you image a strait line from one tip of the /sin/ symbol to the orher tip, we could use this to show where all this can be plotted.
Using only hate or love to state somthing is an incomplete tjought if even true at all.
Through rationale we can see our errors in thpught. In part l9ve and hate may be only a simple action and we claim it to be other.
In debates that is an either or fallacy.
You cant either love or hate.
Using empathy which is natural. This is our learning center if you think in terms of a funtion.
Sympathy would be the actions from empathy's actions.
The driver in the action itself is the elwtric bond we share from everything ww share around us.
Using that expression with deeper understanding of more value and less value than we should now know that love and hate are of the same actions. Sympathy not empathy.
Using either one requires a taught action of.
In an example i stated if nothing was done than the newborn wpuld understand their natural empathy/sympathy center much differnt than here.
Some say love is blind. We understand why the observation was made now. Lack therin empathy. Over taught sympathy.
If we use this and develope more into a nuetrual line as in the line we imagined in the /sin/ symbol to stay balanced between both, empathy and sympathy then one might have a better time obersevering how hate an love are moot to use at that point,when simply put they are not of an action yet an assoication of anothers ill represtented narrative of initially never allowing your own empathy or antanae to get different signals to allow a better signal when switching from defense to offense in using sympathy.
In conclusion..
Love and hate are neither an action or a not action. Yet a misunderstanding in empathy and sympathy with finding a balance of actions therin.
Have a great day besties..
Virgina court of appeals
State health care plans can't exclude gender-affirming surgeries, court rules!
Richmond, Virginia-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld two lower court rulings.. Stating not covering trasnsexuals surgeries is discrimaltory. Great write up on reuters.
Moving forward, equity≠eqaility we are all individiduals. There should never be people whos feelings come in between, science and our health care.
We exist. I know if your here then like myself you feel empowerd by our truth. We are all beautiful.
Until next time besties.
Starlights view.
Should the word trangender be a unbrella term?
Hi besties.. I am the only author. I am doing my best to add upcomig articles soon. This particular blog topic has taking a toll on me. I need to center myself before i write it.
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